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Top-Level Commands

helpInteractive help
workspaceAccess to the workspace directory
importCodeCreate new project from code
importCpgCreate new project from existing CPG
cpgCPG of the active project
projectCurrently active project
openOpen project
closeClose project by name
deleteClose and remove project from disk
reloadPolicyreload policy
runRun analyzer on active CPG
saveWrite all changes to disk
undoUndo effects of analyzer
configThe Ocular configuration object
versionPrints the version of Ocular
bannerPrints the Ocular banner


  • Interactive help
ocular> help 
res33: Helper = Welcome to the interactive help system. Below you find a table of all available
top-level commands. To get more detailed help on a specific command, just type


Try `help.importCode` to begin with.
command | description | example |
close | Close project by name | close(projectName) |
cpg | CPG of the active project | cpg.method.l |
delete | Close and remove project from disk | delete(projectName) |
importCode | Create new project from code | importCode("example.jar")|
importCpg | Create new project from existing CPG| importCpg("") |
open | Open project | open("projectName") |
project | Currently active project | project |
reloadPolicy| reload policy | reloadPolicy |
run | Run analyzer on active CPG | run.securityprofile |
save | Write all changes to disk | save |
undo | undo effects of analyzer | undo |
workspace | Access to the workspace directory | workspace |


The Workspace object - see Organizing Projects

  • List available projects in workspace and see which one is open
ocular> workspace 
res0: io.shiftleft.console.workspacehandling.WorkspaceManager[io.shiftleft.repl.OcularProject] =
| name | overlays | inputPath | open|
| x42-c | semanticcpg,dataflow,tagging| /home/user/x42/c | true|
| x42-java| semanticcpg,dataflow,tagging| /home/user/x42/java/X42.jar| true|

  • Reset workspace and delete all projects and CPGs
// warning, highly destructive action
ocular> workspace.reset


Create code property graph from code and create a new project in the workspace for it.

  • List available language frontends
ocular> importCode
| name | description | available|
| c | Fuzzy Parser for C/C++ | true |
| csharp | C# Source Frontend (Roslyn) | false |
| golang | Golang Source Frontend | false |
| java | Java/Dalvik Bytecode Frontend| false |
| javascript| Javascript Source Frontend | false |
| llvm | LLVM Bitcode Frontend | false |

  • Import code - guessing programming language
ocular> importCode("/path/to/vlc-3.0.8")
  • Import code using a specific language frontend
ocular> importCode.c("/path/to/vlc-3.0.8")
  • Import code from string
ocular> importCode.c.fromString("int main() { return 0; } ")


  • Import Code Property Graph for analysis
ocular> importCpg("/path/to/")


  • Cpg of the active project
ocular> cpg


  • Currently active project
ocular> project


  • Open project by name
ocular> open("project-name")


  • Close project by name
ocular> close("project-name")


  • Write all changes to disk
ocular> save


  • Close project and remove it from disk
ocular> delete("x42-java") 
res26: Option[Unit] = Some(())


  • List available layer creators that can be run to enhance the graph. The command run.$name executes the layer creator named $name. run($query) runs the $query as a custom layer creator, e.g., run(cpg.method.newTagNode("foo")) applies the tag "foo" to all methods.
ocular> run 

| name | description |
| semanticcpg | linked code property graph |
| securityprofile| vulnerability analysis performed by Qwiet preZero|
| dataflow | graph enhancements required for data flow engine |
| tagging | applies tags based on policy |


  • Undo effects of analyzer
ocular> undo 
res2: better.files.File = /home/user/.shiftleft/ocular/workspace/x42-java/overlays/tagging

ocular> undo
res3: better.files.File = /home/user/.shiftleft/ocular/workspace/x42-java/overlays/dataflow


Applies to Ocular only

  • create new policy cache on next load/import
  • use e.g. if you edited the policy text files - on first usage they are being converted to an efficient binary format, which is being cached
ocular> regenerateCacheOnNextLoad 


Applies to Ocular only

  • Reload policies
ocular> reloadPolicy 
Loading dynamic policies from /home/user/.shiftleft/ocular/policy/dynamic/jvm
Loading static policies from /home/user/.shiftleft/ocular/policy/static


  • Print the Ocular installation path
ocular> config.install.rootPath 
res0: better.files.File = /home/user/.shiftleft/ocular


  • Print the Ocular version
ocular> version 
res0: String = "0.3.114"
  • Print the 1337 Ocular banner
ocular> banner 

██████╗ ██████╗██╗ ██╗██╗ █████╗ ██████╗
██╔═══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██║██║ ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗
██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║██║ ███████║██████╔╝
██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██╔══██║██╔══██╗
╚██████╔╝╚██████╗╚██████╔╝███████╗██║ ██║██║ ██║
╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
Version: 0.3.114
Type `help` or `browse(help)` to begin