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Business-as-usual (BaU) plan

Within three to six months, we anticipate that the majority of your applications have been onboarded and are being scanned by Qwiet, with Qwiet providing optimized results. The objective of the BaU phase is, therefore, twofold:

  • To help users make the most of the Qwiet platform, enabling teams to mature in capability and adoption of DevSecOps and AppSec techniques
  • To help the organization and stakeholders monitor and measure the efficacy of the DevSecOps program

DevSecOps maturity with Qwiet

Qwiet preZero platform integrates Next Generation SAST (preZero) with Intelligent SCA and contextual security training to provide a complete DevSecOps toolkit for your teams.

During the initial onboarding phases, the focus was on helping your developers adopt the Qwiet platform and reduce friction and operational overheads in your workflows. It's important for your company to use Qwiet preZero as early as possible to help you mature in DevSecOps practices and with the secure software development lifecycle (SSDLC).

Achieving cultural transformation requires people, the process, and the product to collaborate and work together. Qwiet helps with this transformation journey by:

  • Offering regular catch up and office hours to answer any questions or offer guidance at no additional cost
  • Offering professional services that can help you integrate Qwiet with any vulnerability management, security hubs, or compliance reporting platform
  • Helping triage difficult problems and identify the optimal remediation and mitigation techniques via the Ask the Expert service
  • Offering Qwiet Educate Enterprise, a paid upgrade to help with your security training compliance needs

DevSecOps efficacy with Qwiet

Qwiet's reporting capabilities (accessible via the UI and the REST API) enable you to monitor and measure your DevSecOps program's efficacy and outcomes.

We provide automation scripts to monitor the security posture of the applications, teams, and your organization. With trend charts, stakeholders can monitor and understand the current level of security debt at the application level and team level. Qwiet's continuous measurement can help increase your likelihood of success and investment returns for your DevSecOps investment.

Business-as-usual tasks

Security ChampionIdentify members that might benefit from Qwiet Educate Enterprise
AppSecIdentify apps and teams that might benefit from Qwiet professional services and the Ask the Expert service
QwietOrganize regular catch-up and office hours sessions for interested users
QwietOffer periodic health review for applications to identify any gaps
QwietDiscuss product roadmap and invite users to beta test upcoming features and refinements

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